TS POLYCET 2021 result 2021: The State Board of Technical Education and Training (SBTET) has delivered the result of Telangana Polytechnic Common Entrance Test (TS POLYCET) 2021 at its official website – polycetts.nic.in which exam was conducted on July 17, 2021.
Now, rank cards/score card is available on the official website. Candidates who were appeared in the exam can downloaded their result from the official website – polycetts.nic.in. During check the result, candidates are mandatory to use their registration and roll numbers in the login window.
TS POLYCET is a state level ability test which is held by the SBTET for seeking admission to diploma courses in Engineering (Polytechnic), Agriculture, and Animal Husbandry and Fisheries.
In order to download the rank card, important steps have been given below which needs to follow:
TS POLYCET 2021 Result 2021: Steps To Download
1. Go to the official website- polycetts.nic.in
2. Click on POLYCET results
3. Enter download score card
4. Enter your hall registration number
5. Get your result on the screen
6. Download and take print out of the result for further purpose
Candidates are provided TS POLYCET score based admission to Agricultural diploma courses at Professor Jayashankar Telangana State Agricultural University (PJTSAU) and diploma in Animal Husbandry and Fisheries offered at PV Narasimha Rao Telangana Veterinary University (PVNRTVU) .
Details of the counselling process, and the schedule will be announced by the SBTET on the official website soon.