JEE Main 2021 Session 3 Re- Exam Admit Card: Administrative of JEE Main, the National Testing Agency (NTA) has issued admit card for the Joint Entrance Examination (JEE) Main Session 3 re-exam at its official website
Re-examination of the JEE Main for session -3 will be held for those candidates who have not participate in the exam at the exam city in the Kolhapur, Palghar, Ratnagiri, Raigadh, Sindhudurg, Sangli and Satara in Maharashtra on 25 and 27 July 2021.
Applicants are suggested to download their admit card by insert their credentials through its official website. They are also advised to read instructions carefully which are related to exams as all details have been mentioned on their JEE Main 2021 admit cards.
JEE Main session -3 re-exam will be organized by the NTA on August 3 and August 4.
The National Testing Agency (NTA) has also announced that Bahraini students can take the JEE Main Session 1 re-exam from August 3 to 5. The exam is being held for applicants who were unable to take the exam due to lockdown in Bahrain.
According to notification, Paper 1 (B.E./B.Tech.) will be held on August 3 and 4, and Paper 2A and 2B (B.Arch./B.Planning) will be held on August 5.
Steps to download JEE Main Admit card for session – 3 re- exam have been given below which candidates need to follow:-
JEE Main 2021 Session 3 Re- Exam Admit Card: Steps To Download
- Visit official website –
- Click on link of admit download
- Fill the credential
- Admit card will be seen on screen
- Download and take a print out for the future reference