BSEH Haryana Board Class 12 Result 2021: The Haryana School Education Board (BSEH), Bhiwani has out the result of senior secondary open school (SSOS) examination for the fresh category/re-appear/ctp/stc/mercy chance examination on August 5 at its official website –
According to data of the Haryana board, the pass percentage of the students in class 12th is 100% this year. Candidates can check their results through the Haryana board’s official website as the results are available on the site.
However, the Haryana board had not conducted the class 12 examination due to the covid -19 pandemic.
The results of 27,569 candidates of senior secondary open school (fresh category) examination have been declared, of which 19,068 are boys and 8,501 are girls.
Candidates can check their BSEH class 12th result 2021 by following the major steps. Candidates will have to insert their credentials during the search for the class 10th result 2021.
BSEH 12th open school result 2021: Steps To Check Result
- Go to the official website-
- Enter on the link of senior secondary, 12th result 2021
- Enter log-in by using their registration number, roll number
- BSEH Class 12 result 2021 will appear on the computer screen
- Download the 12th result and take a printout for further reference.
The result of 11,357 candidates of senior secondary open school examination has been published, out of which, a total of 7,909 boys and 3,448 girl students have been passed this year. The overall pass percentage of the students in class 10th is 100 %.
The class 10 th result for the students has been published by awarding minimum passing marks of 33 percent in all subjects.