HomeResultCHSE Odisha Class12 Arts Result 2021 Out, Steps To Check Here

CHSE Odisha Class12 Arts Result 2021 Out, Steps To Check Here

CHSE Odisha +2 Arts Result 2021:  The result for CHSE Odisha class 12 or intermediate for the arts stream has been enunciated by the Council for Higher Secondary Education (CHSE) Odisha at its official website – and

The result had been prepared on the basis of internal assessment due to the extension of the corona pandemic. Candidates are informed to check their results through the board’s official websites.

This year, more than 2.20 lakh students had registered with the purpose to appear in the exam. The overall pass percentage of the students is 98.5%.

After cancellation of the CHSE +2 (Arts) exam due to covid -19, the board organized a committee by the reference of the state government and empowered to prepare the exact result of class 12 on the basis of the alternative assessment.

The committee decided that scores for the theory component of the exams for regular examinees will be given on the basis of their performance in class 10 board examinations.

Now, candidates can check their results through the CHSE Odisha board’s official website as at the present, the CHSE Odisha class +2 result is available on the site.

During the check of the result, students will have required their credentials to insert on the official website.

They are mandatory to follow the crucial steps which are below:

 CHSE Odisha Class12 Arts Result 2021: Steps To Check Result

  • Visit the official and
  • Click on the link of CHSE class 12 (Arts) result 2021
  • Enter required details
  • Press submit tab
  • Get your class 12 arts result 2021
  • Download and print out for future reference


While for ex-regular students, the scores for the theory component of the exams will be awarded on the basis of their performance on the previous CHSE examination they had appeared for. The Scores for the practical/ project component scores of an exam will be awarded for both regular and ex-regular examinees at their higher secondary school level.


The board on July 31 had declared the results of +2 commerce and science streams. The pass percentage of the science stream student was 95.15% while the pass percentage of the commerce students was recorded at 94.96%. A total of 89,951 students passed in the science stream out of which 55,468 secured third division.



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