BSEB Industrial Training Result 2020:All candidates belonging to Bihar state, who were appeared for the Industrial Training for Higher Secondary Level Language test exam in 2020 and were waiting their result, are initiated that the Bihar School Examination Board (BSEB) has declared the result today on its official website –
The result has been announced by BSEB for the Hindi and English languages.
Therefore, candidates those were appeared in the test exam are suggested to visit and check their result through the BSEB’s official website. They are also compulsory to follow the prominent steps by using examination roll number and roll code.
After searching the result they should download the result. The entrance test was conducted on December 23, 2021.
There are some important steps that have been given below, candidates follow these steps:
BSEB Result 2020: Steps To Download
- Visit the official website –
- Click on the link of Industrial Training resul
- Enter your exam roll number and roll code
- Click on submit button
- BSEB Industrial Training Result 2021 will be displayed on the screen
- Download the Result and take a printout for future purpose