Updated on January 11, 2022: Assam PAT 2022 Exam Date – All the prospective candidates who’re belonging to Assam state and looking to appear in the Polytechnic Admission Test (PAT) entrance exam 2022 to take polytechnic admission in Assam 2022 are informed that due to the spread of the Omicron variant in the country, the dates of Assam PAT 2022 might be delayed in announcing for the entrance exam. On this page, candidates may check updated notification, registration date, exam dates of Assam PAT 2022, stay tuned with this page and be updated.
The Directorate of Technical Education (DTE) Assam, the conducting body of PAT entrance exam has declared the dates for the entrance exam in order to admission for Polytechnic courses on January 13, 2021, on its official website – dte.assam.gov.in.
All candidates who have desired to participate in the entrance exam with the intent to get admissions into Polytechnic /Diploma engineering courses will have to take part in the exam. PAT affiliated colleges/institutions grants PAT- based admission or the institutions consider admission to candidates on the basis of PAT score. The exam is conducted every year with an aim to get admissions into polytechnic /diploma courses at the polytechnic colleges in the Assam state
Candidates who want to get knowledge in the field of polytechnic engineering can register their application within the stipulated time of the registration date.
PAT 2021 exam date
According to the official notification, the PAT 2021 entrance exams will be conducted by DTE Assam in two phases on July 18 and July 25, 2021. The PAT 2021 online registration process for the entrance exam will be initiated from May 20 which will be continued till June 30, 2021. PAT 2021 admit cards will be released after concluding the registration process.
Assam PAT 2021 Guidelines
PAT 2021 is a state-level entrance exam that will be held in pen-and-paper based by DTE at the various test centres in the Assam state. The exam centers along with all guidelines related to exams will be mentioned on the admit card. Candidates will have to carry the PAT 2021 admit card to their respective examination halls.
Assam PAT 2021 exam pattern
Students will be interrogated questions from two parts—objective and subjective. The objective part consists of multiple-choice questions (MCQs) based on English language and grammar, general knowledge, and technical aptitude in Math and Science.
The subjective part questions will be consisting based on the technical course. A total of 100 questions will be asked to students and 1 mark will be provided for each correct answer. It will be conducted in both Hindi and English languages.
Assam polytechnic exam syllabus
Questions for the PAT entrance exams will be asked to students based on the Class 10 syllabus from the Science and Mathematics section.
Apart from this, Mathematics topics like Arithmetic Progression, Statistics, Calculus, Probability, Reasoning, Sets, Trigonometry, Continuity, and Differentiation, and Geometry will be also comprised in question.
However, questions of the three streams like Physics, Chemistry, and Biology (PCB) have also been included in the PAT 2021 exam syllabus.