DU Admissions 2021: The Delhi University (DU) has published the fifth cut-off list today, December 9 for admission to Non-Collegiate Women’s Education Board (NCWEB) colleges and courses. The list for the fifth cut-off has been declared on the official website – du.ac.in. Interested candidates can get admissions to BA and BCom courses under the third list.
According to the official notification, admission to students will be started from December 10 at respective colleges. NCWEB is non-collegiate education for women conducted by Delhi University is only held on Saturdays and Sundays.
Notification for admission into BA and BCom courses of the Non-Collegiate Women’s Education Board for the academic year 2021-22 is being announced on its official website.
Apart from the admission schedule, Delhi University has also declared the guidelines for open book examinations (OBE). According to the guidelines, students can also take the exam from their homes.
Currently, the Non-Collegiate Women’s Education Board (NCWEB) has postponed the examinations for the third and fifth-semester students.