HomeB.TechIP University B.Tech Admission 2020 - Notice, Eligibility & Direct (Spot) B.Tech...

IP University B.Tech Admission 2020 – Notice, Eligibility & Direct (Spot) B.Tech Admission in IPU Delhi

Updated as on July 3, 2020: IP University B.Tech admission 2020, Notice, Admission process, last date to apply for IP admission / IP University Direct B.Tech admission Delhi rule / regulation, and other important information.

This page offers complete information of IP University B.Tech Admission 2020 that to be made followed by the Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University’s norms. However, the admission policy will be the same as it happens every, for your information, we would like to tell you that you will have to apply online for IPU B.Tech Admission 2020-21, and more this is that JEE Main score will be also considered for the B.Tech Admission in Delhi in the affiliated college by the IPU Delhi.

IP University B.Tech Admission 2020 (Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University B.Tech Admission) has been announced by the official that window for application form submission is open for 4year fulltime B.Tech Courses, and from now application form can be filled, if you’re looking for BTech admission in IP University Delhi need to apply for Bachelor of Technology (B.Tech.) Common Entrance Tests, the code number of the entrance which is called Code 131.

Those candidates who are desirous to get BTech admission in IP University 2020 must know the important information on this page that reflects the criteria for admission in Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University. Now, according to the University, IPU is going to conduct entrance exam for admission, so candidates need to act proactively and apply as university the application form as soon as possible before the closing date.

IP University B.Tech Admission, Direct BTech admission in IPU

Why should you Pursue BTech from IP University Delhi? You should know the advantages

Whether you have visited at many universities/engineering colleges in Delhi NCR for Btech admission and could not satisfy as you had dream to get enrolled in the pioneering university for the engineering programme but you must try IP university to admission 2020 because this university has legacy in terms of providing quality education in the emerging areas of higher education. We believe, we need to dive more to know a bit enough about the IP University, so let’s find everything in the Introduction section.


Well, the Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University, previously known as Indraprastha University, is a government the University of Delhi State, located at Sector 16 C, Dwarka, Delhi, and it was established in the year 1998, is recognized by UGC and graded as “A” by NAAC. Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University offers a wide range of higher educational progammes to produce knowledgeable manpower. However, Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University welcomes all the eligible candidates to study who are intended to do the futuristic course from diploma to doctorate level programmes. It is running in both terms like affiliating and teaching University and it has bagged many prestigious till date.

IPU B.Tech Admission Eligibility Criteria 2020

If you’re seeing to obtain B.Tech admission in IP University, Delhi, participating in the entrance exam conducted by the Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University (GGSIPU) is necessarily applicable to you, and to be an eligible candidate to B.Tech IPU admission you will have to qualify the entrance exam. Therefore, the candidates are expected to fulfill all the criteria that are making to eligible for the admission, grouped as an educational qualification (Academic), Age, Aggregated marks, and must be appeared in Joint Entrance Examination paper I, see the tabular structure to find eligibility criteria to IPU B.Tech admission 2020-2024 academic year.

Criteria’s Names Summary
Age Limit The applicants must be 21 years old as of August 1, 2020.
Academic Requirements Aspiring candidates need to be Intermediate pass-outs from the valid boards like CBSE and Other State Boards in Physics, Chemistry, and mathematics.
Minimum Marks The candidates should have obtained a minimum of 55% aggregate marks in the science streams such as Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics along with English subjects. However, the relaxation shall be given as per the government quota/norms.
JEE Main One who wishes to IP University BTech admission should have participated and qualified JEE Main Paper I.

Direct IP University B.Tech admission 2020

Direct B.Tech Admission in IP university is given at end of the counseling against vacant seats, you students may facilitated to obtain Direct BTech admission in IP university for this year in the name of sliding or spot round.

Instruction to Fill Application form for IPU admission 2020-21

There are vital information/instructions given below that help you to fill an application form to IP University B.Tech admission 2020 without a fall, so let’s follow the instruction.

# Exam Category: As you visit the application for the B.Tech Category, you see options to choose a category, in this option select that might be your choice.

#General Information: the second option will appear in which you will be required to fill your personal basic details like name, as email address, mobile number, soft copy of the photograph, signature, and left thumb impression. Remember, file sizes should not be exceeded as mentioned in the form.

#Qualification: In this step, you must submit information about the 10th and 12th standard qualifying examination.

#Acceptance Term & Conditions: Agreeing to the terms & the condition is an important factor to proceed with the form, and after reaching this step candidates adhere to agree to terms and condition by checking the checkbox “I Agree”.

# Login ID and Password Creation: Once, you have submitted the correct information like email id, the login id, and password to be sent on your email as you had mentioned in the form.

# Application Fee: After completing all the process of the form you need to make payment for Application form i.e. INR 1000 and the fee can be made via debit card/credit card/net banking.

# Get Application Form: After making successful payment, you will be able to see your application form, and may take printout for the further uses.

Important Dates for IPU B.Tech admission 2020

Until then, find the tentative scheduled Dates for IPU B.Tech Admission 2020, here we go now

Name Events Tentative Important Dates
Last date for application form submission 20th July 2020 extended
Final date for IPU BTech application form submission 2020 B.Tech Biotechnology – Second week of May 2020 For other B.Tech programmes – Third week of June 2020
IPU CET 2020 Exam for B.Tech Biotech. June Week of May 2020
Announcement of Result for B.Tech Biotechnology Awaited
Payment of Counselling Fee Awaited
Registration for Counselling Awaited
First Allotment Awaited
Second Allotment Awaited
Sliding Round Awaited
Spot Round Allotment Awaited

Frequently asked Questions on IP University BTech admission 2020

Q. Is IP University a Government University?

Ans. Yes, IP University Delhi is a public university, situated in Dwarka, Delhi.

Q. Is IP BTech admission Open?

Ans. Not yet, but application form for B.Tech admission in IP university has been started. You may apply online on the official website of the university.

Q.How to Get admission in IP University Delhi?

Ans. Apply application form online to take part in the entrance exam taken by the IP university for 4year BTech admission.

Q. What is minimum marks required for BTech admission in IP university?

Ans. You must have at least 55% marks in 10+2 with P.C.M

Q. Can I get direct admission in IP University Delhi?

Ans. Yes, IP University may offer Direct B.Tech Admission to fill up the vacant seats.



  1. main form fill nhi kr paai thi. mujhe direct admission mil skte hain kya ? 2021-2023 session me ? postgraduated from ignou 65% marks.


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