HomeJEE MainJEE Main 2021 February Session Result Declared, Steps To Download Here

JEE Main 2021 February Session Result Declared, Steps To Download Here

Updated March 19, JEE Main paper 2 results 2021: The result of the Joint Entrance Examination (JEE) Main for paper 2 has been annunciated at the official website –,, on March 18. Paper-2 has been conducted on February 23 by the National Testing Agency (NTA) for admission into BArch and BPlanning courses.

However, the result for JEE Main Paper 1 has also been declared on March 8.

In the February session entrance exam, only two students — Josyula Venkata Aditya from Telangana and Jadhav Aditya Sunil from Maharashtra — have scored 100 percentile.

This year, a total of 59,962 candidates took part in the B.Arch and another 25,810 for B.Planning courses.

So, candidates who have appeared in the exam are advised to check their score with the help of important steps by using their credentials at the official website of JEE Main. Steps have been given below:

JEE Main paper 2 results 2021: Steps To Check

  • Visit the official website-,,
  • Click on the link of JEE Main result 2021
  • Enter your roll number as well as required details
  • JEE Main 2021 paper 2 results will appear on the screen
  • Download your JEE Main result, take a print out for further reference.

JEE Main 2021 February Session paper 1 Result: The National Testing Agency which has been organised to conduct the JEE Main entrance exam, announced the result for JEE Main February Session Result 2021 on its official website on March 8, 2021. Joint Entrance Exam (JEE Main) is conducted by the National Testing Agency (NTA) for admission into B.E/B.Tech courses, candidates have to appear for JEE Main Paper – 1 in various IITs, NITs, CFTIs and other renowned institutions While for admission into B. Arch & B. Plan courses, students have appeared for JEE Main Paper – 2.

NTA JEE Main Result 2021 February: Steps to check

Some prominent steps have been given below for candidates that are compulsory to follow for check the JEE Main 2021 February session result:

  • Visit the official website:
  • Click on JEE Main result 2021
  • Login by using JEE Main application number and password/Date of birth
  • The JEE Main 2021 result will display on the computer screen
  • Download JEE Mains result and take a print out for future reference

Final Answer Key Released for February Session: The JEE Main entrance exam is a competitive exam that has been conducted for the February session by NTA from February 23 to 26, 2021 in two shifts for admission to undergraduate engineering and architecture programmes.

Currently, the conducting body of the competitive exam, the National Testing Agency has announced the final answer key on its official website today on march 8, 2021.

Students who have appeared for the test can tally their answers with the final JEE Main answer key to calculate their probable scores. The final answer key has the correct responses to the questions which were asked in JEE Main Paper 1 (BE/BTech) and Paper 2 (BArch/B. planning).

Final JEE Main Answer Key 2021: Steps To Download

  • Visit the official website —
  • Enter required details
  • Click on the link of the final answer key
  • JEE Main Final Answer Key will be seen on the computer screen
  • Download and access the final JEE main answer key
  • Take a print out it for the further reference


JEE Main February Session Answer Key: After concluding the JEE Main 2021, the conducting body of entrance test the National Testing Agency has announced the answer key of the JEE Main February exam 2021 at its official website –

So, candidates who have taken part in the exam are apprised to visit steadily its official website for the sake of search their answer.

Now, candidates can check and download their answer key and if they get any fault in the answer, can raise an objection against them if they want to. For the raise objection, they will have to pay Rs. 200/- per question as processing charges that will be non-refundable. A final answer key will be displayed after the challenges are considered.

The JEE Main result will be declared on the basis of the final answer key. The result of JEE main is likely to be announced by March 7.

JEE Main 2021 February Session Exam: Joint Entrance Exam (JEE Main)  for the third day has been started on February 25 from 9 am to 12 pm. The result of the JEE Main is likely to be announced at its official website in the first week of March.

This year, around,6,52 630 B.Tech students have registered their application form for the JEE Main entrance test. Out of which, 1,97,771 females, 4,54,852 males, and 4 transgender candidates are going to appear in the exam.

The first day of the exam i.e. on February 23 had been conducted by the National Testing Agency with the B. Arch and B. Planning paper.

Today, the NTA is conducting an exam for the B.Tech paper. However, the first shift for B.Tech candidates has been concluded that had been started from 9 am to 12 pm while the second shift for JEE Main Paper 2 will be held from 3 pm which will be concluded at 6 pm. The exam will be continued till February 26, 2021.

JEE Main  EXAM 2021: Exam timings

the JEE Main entrance exam will be held in two shifts, the first shift will be started from 9 am to 12 pm while the second shift will be held from 3 pm to 6 pm. Candidates who will be qualified in the JEE Main entrance test will be eligible to attain admission for the B.Tech courses at the Indian Institutes of Technology and other National Institutes of Technology across the country.

 JEE Main 2021: Prominent Guidelines

  • Students are mandatory to carry a print of the downloaded copy of the JEE Main 2021 admit card at the respective test centres
  • Students are compulsory to reach 1 hour before the commencement of the exam.
  • Apart from this, candidates need to carry the JEE Main 2021 admit card, a valid photo ID card and the self-declaration undertaking.
  • Candidates need to bring a 50 ml sanitiser bottle, keep their face masks and a bottle of water at their exam hall.

Aspirants who have registered their application for the JEE Main February session entrance exam this year, now, the exam is going to hold for them today on February 23, Tuesday. National Testing Agency (NTA) conducting body of the JEE Main exam will conduct the first session exam for the Engineering courses today. While, the next three sessions will be held gradually in March, April, and May 2021.

A total number of questions will remain 30 in each subject but, students still have to attempt 25 questions per section. So, candidates need to understand the exam pattern before beginning the exam as the exam pattern is differed compare to the previous year exam.

JEE Main B.Tech Paper Exam Pattern

JEE Main 2021 exam pattern for the paper is being held with multiple-choice questions (MCQ) and numerical questions. The paper (Paper 1) of JEE Main exam will have three sections – – Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics. Each section of JEE Main will have equal weightage with 20 multiple choice questions and five numerical questions. A total of 75 questions from Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics will be asked to candidates in JEE Main paper 1.

This year, the exam pattern is differing due to COVID – 19 pandemic.  Candidates who have applied for B.Tech will appear for paper-1, while those who registered for B.Arch and B.Planning will have to appear for paper 2 A and 2 B.

JEE Main Paper pattern for B.Tech



Subject wise distribution of questions, total questions numbers & marks Subject Section A Section B Marks
Mathematics 20+ 10+ 100
Physics 20+ 10+ 100
Chemistry 20+ 10+ 100
Total 60 30 300

 JEE Main Exam Pattern for B. Arch


Subject wise distribution of questions, total questions numbers & marks Subject No of questions Marks
Mathematics (part-1) 20+ 10+ 100
Aptitude Test (part-2) 50 200
Drawing Test  (part-3) 02 100
Total 82 400



JEE Main paper pattern for B.Planning


Subject wise distribution of questions, total questions numbers & marks Subject No of questions Marks
Mathematics (Part-1) 20+ 10+ 100
Aptitude Test (Part-2) 50 200
Planning  base (part-3)Objective type MCQs 25 100
Total 105 400


Reporting time with the duration of the exam

Candidates will have to reach the respective exam centre two hours before of the commencement of the examination.  Candidates will be given a three-and-a-half hours duration for the exam. The entrance exam will be started from 3 pm to 6:30.


Candidates need to carry their admit card, one passport size photograph, and authorized photo ID cards such as PAN card, driving license, voter ID, passport, Aadhaar card at the respective exam centres.

Apart from this, they are also mandatory to carry a ballpoint pen, water bottle, hand sanitiser (50 ml) and a face mask inside the exam hall.



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