MAT 2020 Admit Card: The All India Management Association (AIMA) has published the Management Aptitude Test (MAT) admit cards 2020 on its official website- The test is conducted to the aspirants every year with intent to determine their eligibility in order to attain admission for the postgraduate management programs. Candidates are only allowed to MAT based admission at the management colleges or institutions. It is a national level test which will be held on the basis of computer in remote-proctored mode.
So, Candidates who have registered for the Management Aptitude Test (MAT) 2020, is advised to download the MAT 2020 admit cards by following important steps through the official website-
MAT 2020: Important Instructions
All the important details like name of the candidate, mode of test, reporting time, exam roll number, registration number, candidate’s category have been mentioned on the admit card.
Candidates will be provided 200 multiple choice questions with the duration of 150 minutes in the test which will be conducted between November 21 and November 23 through remote-proctored computer-based test.
MAT 2020 Admit Card: To Download
Step 1: Visit the official website of AIMA
Step 2: Select the tab designated for MAT 2020 admit card
Step 3: Login at the applicants’ portal
Step 4: Insert the MAT 2020 application numbers and dates of birth
Step 5: Submit and download the MAT 2020 admit card
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