HomeClass 10th examUP Board Exams 2021: Class 10, 12 exams To Be Held From...

UP Board Exams 2021: Class 10, 12 exams To Be Held From April 24

UPMSP Class 10, 12 Exams 2021: The Uttar Pradesh Board Madhyamik Shiksha Parishad (UPMSP) has announced the date sheet for the Class 10 (Secondary) and 12 (Higher Secondary / Intermediate) board exams on its official website.

The UPMSP Class 10 and UPMSP Class 12 (Intermediate) exams will be initiated from April 24, 2021 at the various exam centres in pen-and-paper based. Exams for class 10 will be concluded on May 10, 2021, and the class Intermediate exam will end on May 12, 2021.

The exams will be conducted in two shifts – the first shift exam will be initiated from 8 :00 am to 11:15 am while the second shift will be started from 2: 00 pm to 5:15.

Uttar Pradesh board class 10 exams date sheet 2021 has been given below which students have compulsory to write down.

UP Board Exam 2021 Schedule: Class 10

S.N0 Dates Time Events
1 April 24 8 am to 11:15 am Hindi
2 April 28 2 pm to 5:15 pm Computer
3 April 29 2 pm to 5:15 pm Economics, Commerce
4 April 30 8 am to 11:15 am English
5 May 3 8 am to 11:15 am Social Science
6 May 4 2 pm to 5:15 pm Information Technology
7 May 5 8 am to 11:15 am Science
8 May 10 8 am to 11:15 am Maths

Uttar Pradesh board class 12 exams date sheet 2021 has been mentioned below:

s.N0 Dates Time Events
 1 April 24 2 pm to 5:15 pm Hindi
 2 April 27 Geography
 3 April 30 Computer Science
 4 May 1 English
 5 May 4 Chemistry, History
 6 May 6 Biology, Maths
 7 May 8 Economics
 8 May 10 Sociology
 9 May 12 Civic Science


This year, at least a total of 29,94,312 students will take part in the Uttar Pradesh Class 10 exams while more than 26,09,501 students will appear for the  Class 12 exams.

All schools were closed due to COVID – 19 and students were facing many problems in case of study.

At present, schools in every state are reopening bit by bit and the focus has been given deeply on student’s study with a purpose to attain the best score in the exams.

However, some states like Bihar, Odisha and Maharashtra have also released already the upcoming 2021 board exam schedules.



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