WB Class 12 Exam Result 2021: The West Bengal Council of Higher Secondary Education (WBCHSE) on Thursday has professed the result for intermediate (class 12) on July 22, Thursday on its official website- wbchse.nic.in / wbresults.nic.in.
This year, the exam for class 12 had not been held in the West Bengal due to corona virus pandemic still 98 % students have cleared the class 12 exam result. Out of them, girl student from Murshidabad has ranked first with securing 499 marks in total of 500 marks.
In spite of covid-19, the result for intermediate have been better than last year as the overall pass percentage of the student was 93 in previous year overall pass percentage of the students is 97.8 this year.
According to report of the council, a total of 99.28 per cent of the students in the science stream passed the exams this year and 99.08 per cent students cleared in commerce stream while 97.39 per cent students have got achievement in arts.
According to WBCHSE, total 8,19,202 students were assessed, of whom 3,19,327 got the first division.
Compared to 30,220 last year, total 9,013 students have received the ‘O Grade’ (90-100 per cent marks) this year. Similarly, 49,370 students got the ‘A+ Grade’ (80-90 per cent marks) against 84,746 last year.
candidates who were appeared in class WB HS class 12 exam can check their result through the official website by insert required credentials. important steps have been given below which are need to follow:
WBCHSE West Bengal Class 12th HS Result 2021: How to download
- Visit the official website – wbchse.nic.in / wbresults.nic.in
- Click on the HS result link
- Fill in registration number/ roll number
- Result will appear on the screen of computer