HomeEntrance ExamWBJEE 2023: Registration Process For Counselling initiates; Steps To Apply Here

WBJEE 2023: Registration Process For Counselling initiates; Steps To Apply Here

WBJEE 2023: The West Bengal Joint Entrance Examination Board (WBJEEB) has notified specially belonging to West Bengal candidates to register for the West Bengal Joint Entrance Examination (WBJEE) 2023 counselling.

All those candidates who are Interested and capable can register through the official website —

The registration window for registration will conclude on July 25 and the mock seat allotment will be declared on July 27. The mock allotment will be based on the choices filled by students. Although, candidates can change their choices on July 28. The result for round 1 of seat allotment will be released on August 1 and students will have time to report to allotted colleges and pay the fees till August 5.

1Registration process21/7/2023
2Registration window close25/7/2023
3Mock seat allotment declared27/7/2023
4Modify in choice28/7/2023
51st round seat allotment result1/8/2023
6Fee paymentTill 5/08/2023
72nd round result8/8/2023

Candidates can register for counselling through the following steps:

WBJEE 2023: Steps To Register

  • Visit the official website—
  • Click on the new registration link
  • Enter your WBJEE 2023 application number and date of birth
  • Fill out the application form and upload the required documents
  • Choose from the given list of colleges/institutions
  • Save, submit, and pay the fees
  • Download it for future purpose

Candidates can pay the fees, report to allotted colleges as well as withdraw their admission from August 8 to 11. The registration for the mop-up round, payment of registration fees, and choice filling can be done from August 14 to 16. The mock seat allotment list for this round will be displayed on August 17.



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